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    Precision Engineers MNB

    Precision Engineering Services

    Established over 40 years ago, MNB Precision provides manufacturing and precision engineering services to the world’s leading companies across the Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Rail and other manufacturing industries.

    We specialise in precision engineering, offering a broad range of in-house capabilities with a commitment to excellence in quality. Our Coventry based, 36,000 ft2 factory, provides services including:

    In-house capabilities are supplemented with a robust and controlled supply chain, enabling us to offer an efficient turnkey solution to customers. We can provide an initial designing process if it is required and we carry this out efficiently to ensure that no time is wasted.

    Engineering Services

    Trusted Precision Engineering Company

    Why Choose MNB Precision?


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    CQual Change Game©

    At MNB Precision we take our training protocols very seriously. We recently had CQual join us to guide us through their 6s methodology and allow us to implement at MNB. In the pics below we can see the team are playing the ‘CQual Change Game ©’. This is a giant board game invented to close out the training. It brings all the learned subjects back to the table for a re-cap. It is played between 3 or 4 teams, each with 2 or 3 people. It’s fun to play, the prize being a coveted ‘CQual Change Game © Champions Mug’. We can see they are deep in thought over a tricky question, which, if they answer it correctly, propels them forward in the game.  

    5s means ‘Workplace Organisation’, making it easier for us to find and place tools and equipment. This allows us to reduce processing times and workflows through giving our customers their product in a quicker time. 6s takes on these 5s rules with ‘Safety’ added. You can learn more about our CQual 6s training and methodology here. 


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    MNB Precision Incorporate CQual’s 6s Methodology

    Here at MNB Precision we take our working and training protocols extremely seriously. Therefore, we have been working with a company called CQual to incorporate their 6s methodology at MNB.

    5s means ‘Workplace Organisation’, making it easier for us to find and place tools and equipment. This allows us to reduce processing times and work ‘flows’ through giving our customers their product in a quicker time. 6s takes on these 5s rules with ‘Safety’ added. You can learn more about this below.

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    5s and 6s training

    Time Zone Wall Clocks & World Map In the MNB Reception Area

    Here at MNB Precision we take great pride in supporting clients all around the world. Building good relationships and working closely with our client base means we are able to offer a fantastic service and this is crucial for our business. Therefore, knowing the regional time zones is critical. Supporting clients as far away as Norway and the USA means supplying goods mainly by sea freight, with the odd occasion where we have had to fly parts in to respond to tight deadlines. 

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